Sunday, July 24, 2016


Welcome to Mom-ease Bear! Being a mom, whether you're expecting or already on the ground running is a busy and exhausting investment. But boy, is it worth it! And by "boy", I mean I recently began my journey as the first time mom to the precious baby boy featured below, my little bear. Feel free to swoon.

My Little Bear
1 Month Old
December 2015

While everyone's experience as a mother is her own, one universal factor that seems to surface right away is the plethora of advice that is so generously given by our beloved family members, friends and the occasional-random stranger. I found that while this advice was always well intended, I often had one of two reactions:

(1) I felt the advice reflected different choices than what I wanted for my child, or
(2) My confidence as a parent was shaken, driving me on a research binge.

Most of my research escapades occurred in the wee hours of the night during the oh so beloved pregnancy insomnia or baby's night time feedings. The Internet today has so many wonderful resources making it really a special time to raise a child.  Research and information that wasn't readily available to our parent's is now just a couple of clicks away.

Through my research, I found that I fit comfortably in the middle of two parenting types, the granola all natural mother and the modern consumer mother.  I've really enjoyed the tips and tricks I have learned but I have not been able to find a single source for this hybrid type of parenting. Therefore, I decided to make a collection of some of the most helpful items for other Millennial Moms.  So basically, this blog is for you if you want to go as natural as possible with your kiddos without breaking the bank on the pretentious, natural products and believe it would be silly to always avoid the helpful, traditional name brand products. So to return to my earlier thought, this blog is designed to satisfy other Moms' late night binge research by collecting it all in one easy place.

Welcome to Mom-ease Bear: Natural Parenting for the Millennial Mom. Enjoy!

Hydration! Water for Mommy

One of the easiest ways for you and your baby to stay healthy when you're pregnant or nursing is to stay hydrated. Hydration slows aging, prevents stretch marks, reduces swelling and fatigue, prevents constipation, reduces chances of hemorrhoids, UTIs and other infections; aids your immune functions, treats headaches, and prevents early labor.  I mean really the list can go on. Despite these benefits, hydration is still one of the hardest things for us Moms to commit to consistently. 

In fact, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "43% of adults drink less than 4 cups of water a day." This is less than half of the Institute of Medicine's 9 cup a day recommendation for woman. 

Pregnant and nursing mothers, not only have to drink enough water for them, but also for their baby. The H4H Initiative recommends an additional 2 cups for pregnant women daily, and minimum of three additional cups for nursing Moms.

So how do we manage this? Here are 3 hydration tips.

1. Invest in a good water bottle. I personally love the CamelBak Groove because of its built in water filter. It allows me to refill my water bottle anywhere and one water bottle equals almost 3 cups. I got mine from Amazon for less than $20. Its durable, comes in a variety of colors, and has a hook handle on it. I added a mountain climbing hook to mine too, so I could easily hook it to a diaper bag or backpack when I am on the go. 

Photo from
2. Eat Hydrating Foods. Many foods have a high water content. For example, watermelon is almost 90% water. Other foods high in water content also include: celery, cucumber, grapefruit, orange and honeydew. A busy Mom can cut a plate of fresh fruit at the start of her day and place it in a central location (like on the way to the restroom). Commit to one bite every time you pass by and it will help you make your hydration goal, as well as feed your body with essential vitamins and minerals. What I also love most about this hydration method is that solidifying the personal habit of munching on healthy foods is ideal modeling for our babies. 

Warning: Pineapple may also induce uterine activity and jeopardize the stability of the pregnancy.
3. Identify a drinking trigger. Sometimes that motherly instinct kicks in so strong, that all we calculate is caring for our little one. Whether it be nesting prior to their arrival or gushing over those tiny features, it is so easy to forget that part of caring for baby is caring for Mommy. We honestly forget about ourselves and next thing you know, three hours have passed since our last hydration. It helps to find a consistent marker to trigger your drinking. Many women sit down with a glass of water every time they sit to nurse. Baby hydration time = mommy hydration time. Other suggestions include: drinking every time you pee (great for pregnancy) or drinking every time you change a diaper. These consistent sips add up quickly! 

I hope these tips are just as helpful for you as they were for me. We would love to also hear your hydration tips below.