Saturday, August 29, 2020

Book Review: My First Book of Feminism (for Boys)

My First Book of Feminism (for Boys) by Julie Merberg and illustrated by Michele Brummer Everett was initially gifted to my son for Christmas, and what a gift! As a boy mom, I of course want to raise a strong and kind son. I want to raise a son who is respectful of women's boundaries and humanity. Understands fully the nuances of consent and privilege, but also is proud of his own masculine existence.  This book hit the nail on the head in an age appropriate manner.

The book starts by outlining this idea that feminism really starts with the relationship you form with your mom. A mutually respectful one where everyone contributes to the household. It then moves to normalize the expression of emotion. Its okay to cry and to have more feelings than "just happy or mad." The content continues to discuss not gendering toys, chores or careers and awards your brain as one's strongest attribute, "flex your brain power... use your words to win fights."

Raising a son in 2020 is an interesting time. We are raising a generation of boys post, Me Too Movement, the full acknowledgement of gender inequality as an unacceptable standard, and the reinforcement of gender expression ranging on a spectrum.  This book empowers our sons to be human rights activists and how feminism is central to that. Its just beautiful.