Monday, December 18, 2017

5 Foods that Detox Heavy Metals

If you are anything like me, prevention is an important part of parenting.  I do vitamin C and zinc to prevent cold and flu, daily iron to prevent anemia, frequent socialization to prevent/reduce socialization anxiety, and the list goes on. Anything I can do to help my Little Bear have a solid start in life. So, as I continued to learn more about our every day exposure to toxic heavy metals and their sometimes irreversible effects, I started to explore possible prevention options.  Interestingly, I learned that heavy metal toxins can be purged from our body's very effectively thus eliminating any signs and symptoms of toxicity. It is only when heavy metals are left without monitoring, untreated, and allowed to build that the effects become tragic and irreversible. Great news right? I can monitor, I can treat, I can prevent build up.

Here are some of our regular go tos:

1. Cilantro - Cilantro naturally binds to metals and accelerates the excretion specifically of lead and aluminum. We hide cilantro in scrambled eggs with cheese or tacos. Also, while Cilantro does its job of binding effectively, it has to also exit before the metals has a chance to reabsorb into the body; therefore, increasing fiber or juice during cilantro meals helps to increase its effectiveness.

2. EPA, DHA and other fish oils - These are natural antivirals and great for protecting and nurturing a growing brain. Antivirals aid in detox. The difficulty however is that fish can be a major offender for exposing our bodies to metals. Instead, maybe look for a good multivitamin that has oils or really monitor the quality of the seafood you buy. 

3. Chlorella - Chlorella is a source of Chlorophyll, Protein, Iron, Magnesium, and amino acids, but it is primarily known as a detoxifying supplement.  It can be very powerful and in some cases can completely cure metal detox. However, it can very easily be overused. It is essentially a food (algae or seaweed). You can buy cereals that contain Chlorella but we use capsules. We mix a highly reduced dose in grape juice maybe 1-2x a month.   

4. Water - (filtered of course) Our water is another source of heavy metals, but filtered/purified water naturally flushes and purifies your body.

5. Garlic - Garlic is high in glutathione (detoxing qualities) and is an antiviral. We put garlic on everything and our Little Bear loves it. Also, the medical qualities of organic garlic cloves is much higher than say powdered seasoning. So this may be a motivation to take the extra step when cooking. 
These tips are meant as personal testimony and should not be taken in replacement of medical advise. If someone you love shows signs of metal toxicity, please seek professional attention to complete a supervised diagnosis and treatment (either holistic or medical). However, the above mentioned are purifying foods that we purposefully incorporate in our regular diet as our family's prevention plan. We hope it helps!   

Additional note: "Though generally considered safe, Chlorella comes with some cautions and warnings. It can contain moderate levels of iodine, so those with iodine sensitive thyroid conditions or iodine allergies should avoid it. Those with auto-immune disease should consult with a doctor first as it can increase immune function and may make these conditions worse." - 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Toxic Metals in our Body

As parents we are taught the dangers of exposing our children to lead. Our Little Bears get lead tested at baby check ups, we are coached on ways to avoid exposure, and taught the long-term negative effects of exposure. However, we really aren't taught about how to cleanse our babies if they are exposed, as well as the risks associated with other metals in their little bodies. 

"Mercury, lead and cadmium are three metals that can be especially harmful and aluminum has also presented concerns. These toxic metals enter your body through drinking, eating, inhaling, and skin and eye contact" (Global Healing Center).  As humans in the modern world, we are exposed to these metals in everyday products such as potatoes, peanuts, deodorant, toothpaste, vaccines, medications, celery, soil, canned goods, fish, pesticides and more. Additionally, Little Bears' who have parents who work construction, mechanics, agriculture and other similar fields have increased risk of passing toxic metals to their children.

Toxic metals in your body can manifest a number of symptoms which include both physical and emotional effects. In fact, some integrative medical practitioners argue that some cases of ADHD are actually the result of metal toxicity.  Lead can effect IQ and Mercury can effect digestion. What's even more interesting, is that these symptoms can be reversed often with a good metal detox.  

My next post will include some tips and tricks for metal detox both as treatment and prevention.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Magic of Elderberry Syrup (Recipe Included)

Contributing Writer: Jessica Edmundson of California

Hi there, my name is Jessica and I am a lucky mama to my almost three year old daughter, Isla. Isla was born in the cold heart of December and I knew early on I needed to incorporate immune boosting herbs and foods into both our diets. I began making elderberry syrup when she was 11 months old, November, 2015, which was a particularly cold and wet winter in our area. In addition to that, we have family in Humboldt County, California… ever heard of the Humboldt crud? You don’t want it! I diligently ensured her and I took a spoonful in the morning, and again at night and guess what? No sickness in my home all winter or spring! 

I still wasn’t sure if it had been luck that got us through, or if elderberry syrup was as magical as I’d heard. The following winter rolled around and I, again, started making the elderberry syrup until I missed a batch. It was January and we were incredibly busy and I just didn’t make the time to cook the syrup for three days. Three days. Isla got the flu in those three days. I knew then, it was a magic elixir and I would never skip a batch during cold and flu season again! After coming to the conclusion that it was magic, I had to know why. Why is this stuff so critical to fighting off sickness? I did my research and I tweaked my recipe with my new found information. I learned that the ingredients above work synergistically to build your immune system, helping you to fight off the germs you come in contact with daily! The best part is, my daughter loves the taste and asks for more syrup!
Elderberry Syrup Recipe - Makes one 16oz jar of syrup.

2/3 cup – dried Elderberries
1 ½ inch – ginger root, peeled and sliced
1 tsp – cinnamon powder
1 tsp – cloves
3 slices – lemon
3 ½ cups – water
½ cup – honey (If you find you prefer a sweeter taste, just add more honey!)
Add the dried elderberries, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, lemon and water to a medium to large pot, mix and bring to a boil. Once the mixture boils, reduce heat and let simmer 30-45 minutes, stirring frequently, until the mixture is reduced by about half. Remove from heat and use a flat surface to press the berries, this releases some extra goodness! Fine strain the mixture over a bowl, use a spoon or spatula to press all the liquid from the ingredients. Let the liquid cool until warm but not hot, stir in the honey until fully mixed then jar it up and keep it refrigerated. Depending on how many are taking the syrup and how much you use this will last 1-2 weeks. One 16oz jar lasts me and my daughter two weeks, each taking one tablespoon twice a day.